(334) 382-5872

Joseph Ministry
Who We Are
The Joseph Ministry is an ecumenical ministry that provides a 30-35 pound box of food to over 200 qualified families on the third Saturday each month. The families are screened at the Department of Human Resources to be at or below poverty level. Funds for the ministry are provided by donations from individuals, Churches, and businesses in our community. One hundred percent of these funds go directly to support the ministry. Annually this ministry distributes over 70,000 pounds of food to families across Butler County.
In 2024, the Joseph Ministries distributed 98,396 pounds of food and served an average of 264 families each month. The total cost of food was $17,711.45.
To Sign-Up:
Contact our local DHR and request a Joseph Ministry application.
Boxing Day (Wednesday):
The Joseph Ministry picks up food from the Montgomery Area Food Bank. These food boxes are assembled on the Wednesday before pick-up. If you would like to volunteer, contact Steve Davison or the link below.
Call-In Day (Thursday):
Applicants signed up with DHR, may begin calling in each month for a food box. Call-in day is every third Thursday each month between 8:30-9:30 a.m. Contact (334) 383-9191 to have your name added to the "pick-up list" to receive a box.
Pick-Up Day (Saturday):
Applicants who have called in on the third Thursday and are on the list, may pick-up their boxes the following Saturday.
Location: Rescue Barn, 309 Church St. Greenville, AL 36037
Time: Between 7:00-9:00 A.M.